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Functional Medicine and Telehealth: The Benefits of Virtual Care

Functional Medicine and Telehealth: The Benefits of Virtual Care

Over the past two years, we’ve all realized the power of technology. From virtual school to online office meetings, there’s a lot that can be conducted over the internet.

What if our functional medicine practice told you that you can get access to the best healthcare provider with just an internet connection and a phone, tablet, or laptop? Telehealth, also known as telemedicine, provides patients just that: immediate access to the best doctors out there with no commute or wait times.

What is Functional Medicine Telehealth?

Telemedicine and telehealth are often used interchangeably to describe a virtual doctor-patient relationship. You don’t visit a doctor’s office in person but instead, engage in a virtual appointment. 

Functional medicine and telehealth can be used in many different ways depending on your situation. 

A person may make a nutrition telehealth appointment to access professional diet and nutritional coaching—instead of relying on fad diets and fitness influencers.

Through advanced technology, telehealth providers are able to, functional medicine doctors are able to monitor their patients’ blood sugar, sleep, blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation among other important health care markers. Using shared APPs these providers can monitor their patients’ diet and movement levels. Utilizing mobile phlebotomists and lab draw centers like Quest or Labcorp, all labs can be ordered and completed virtually. They can also address necessary medication, supplement recommendations, and other treatment plans without you having to drag yourself down to the doctor’s office.

Here’s the great thing about telehealth: it’s easy, convenient, and saves time. But most importantly, it offers you good, affordable functional medicine that you could otherwise not find anywhere. You see, having low overhead and no brick and mortar office affords us to pass the savings to our clients at Being Functional. 

How Virtual Appointments Work

Even if you struggle with technology like many of us do from time to time, meeting with your doctor has never been easier. Here’s what you can expect from a telehealth appointment:

Many telehealth centers like Being Functional provide an app or patient portal you can log in to on any device. Through the portal, you’ll schedule an appointment for a time that’s convenient for you. You’ll get a calendar invitation where you can open up your video chat and begin talking with your doctor.

At Being Functional, our patients start with a free 15-minute virtual consultation. We then offer 60, 30, 15, and 5-minute visits depending on your unique treatment plan or concern. Our website’s portal login makes it easy for patients to set up an appointment. 

The Benefits of Virtual Care

Many people don’t have access to high levels of healthcare, especially functional medicine doctors. Some rural patients don’t have a holistic doctor nearby while other patients might suffer from a chronic illness that inhibits them from traveling often. You may seek help from multiple kinds of doctors, such as a nutritionist or therapist. No matter where you are in the world, virtual care connects patients with high-quality doctors they otherwise wouldn’t be able to access. 

But best of all, we take all the advances in technology and apply them to how we can make medical care better. We utilize the best Apps and best body monitoring devices, like the Oura ring, to have more data points to help you learn about yourself and what you can do to improve medical outcomes. 

No one likes waiting for long stretches of time at the doctor’s office, only to be whisked through an appointment. One of my colleagues likened her old medical practice to a “McDoctor’s office.” And that is exactly how people feel. In a traditional practice with time constraints and seeing 5 patients an hour, you are most likely not going to get the care you need.  The process of moving between patients isn’t efficient, and if a doctor falls behind even the slightest bit, the entire schedule is disrupted.

With telehealth, there’s zero time spent in the waiting room, and doctors can easily transition from one patient to the next. Every minute you spend with your doctor is valuable, and telehealth ensures there isn’t any wasted time. Functional medicine doctors take the time to deeply understand their patient’s situation, and telehealth allows them to make every second count. 

What is Functional Medicine?

You’re probably familiar with the term “functional medicine,” as it’s grown in popularity in recent years. Functional medicine doctors offer integrated medical care that takes a “systems biology-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease.”

Health At Your Fingertips

Being Functional virtually serves patients in California, Florida, and Missouri, and our aim is to bridge the gap between traditional and functional medicine. We provide functional medicine via telehealth in a format that’s convenient, affordable, and effective. Start your journey with a free 15-minute consultation and reap the benefits of functional medicine. Looking forward to helping you feel well.

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